Starvation is a common limitation of simple priority queuing mechanisms. 简单的优先权排队机理的一个常见局限就是饥饿(即访问要求不能满足)。
The confrontation process of ship against anti-ship missile is analyzed, and the snake-shaped model with priority is put forward through improving the queuing model ever built through queuing theory, then the penetration probability of anti-ship missile was deduced. 分析了水面舰艇对来袭反舰导弹的拦截过程,对以往应用排队论理论建立的排队模型进行了改进,提出了有优先权的蛇形队模型,并以此推导出反舰导弹的突防概率。
The result of test not only proves that the communicating delay using Interprocess Communication module rebuilt is predictable, but also shows the benefit of queuing policy based priority during message queuing and synchronizing function of Semaphore. 测试表明,改进后进程通信的通信延迟处在一个可预测的范围之内,同时也体现出了在消息排队过程中优先级排队算法的优越性和信号量的同步协调功能。
A Priority Weighed Queuing Scheme for Transmitting Data over the Internet 一种Internet上的优先权加权平均数据传输方法
A priority queuing mechanism and its scheduling policy based on buffered crossbar 一种基于带缓存crossbar的优先级排队机制及其调度算法
Channel borrowing and signal prediction priority queuing based handoff scheme 基于信道借用和信号预测的切换方法
Under batch FIFO service disciplines and batch priority service disciplines, We demonstrate the batch processing fluid model is identical with the fluid model of a standard queuing network. 在批优先排队原则和批FIFO服务原则下,我们证明了这个批处理排队网络的流体模型与一标准排队网络的流体模型一致。
TRENDS Dynamic State A Class-based Priority Queuing Policy for Dynamic Resource Scheduling 一种基于类的优先队列的动态资源配置方案
Based on the analysis on the concurrent processing performance requirements of monitoring system, a priority queuing algorithm is proposed to realize the concurrent scheduling of vehicle monitoring system with the algorithm implementation scheme given. 在对监控中心并发处理的性能要求进行分析的基础上,提出了优先数事件队列算法来实现车辆监控中心的并发调度机制,并给出了算法实现。
After the description of general priority system, this paper quantitatively discusses the probability distribution function of queuing system of preemptive priority, and obtains the number distribution, waiting time distribution, serving time distribution in system ( including the high and low priority customers). 本文就抢占型优先权问题的概率分布作一些定量分析,包括系统中顾客数的分布(高、低优先权的两种顾客)、各自的等待时间分布、各自的服务时间分布等等。
This paper develops a priority queuing model of finite units. This model not only solves some problems in the design of hardware architecture, but also is useful in studying priority queuing of finite units. 本文提出有限源固定优先级排队模型和仿真模型,不但可以妥善处理系统硬件结构设计中的有关问题,而且,对解决带优先级的有限源排队问题具有普遍意义。
This paper presents a dynamic ordering algorithm based on signal prediction priority queuing ( SPPQ) to efficiently reserve resource for many mobile hosts. 本文提出一种在全IP移动网络中基于信令预测优先级排队的动态排序算法,以有效地对多个移动主机进行资源预留。
Meanwhile, a class-based priority queuing policy for dynamic resource scheduling for wireless channel resources scheduling in WCDMA is designed. 同时,针对WCDMA中无线信道的资源配置问题,设计了一种基于类的优先队列的动态资源配置方案。
To implement better dynamic resource scheduling of mobile communication networks, following latest WCDMA standard, a class-based priority queuing policy is introduced and given the practical scheme. 为了更好地实现移动通信网络中的动态资源配置,遵循最新的WCDMA标准,文章提出了一种基于类的优先队列的配置策略,并给出了具体的实现方案。
If there is no channel can be borrowed, it will put handoff requests into queue, using signal prediction priority queuing method. 如果没有信道可借用,就将切换请求放入队列中,使用信号预测的方法来确定队列中的优先级。
Dynamic Resource Reservation Ordering Based on Signal Prediction Priority Queuing in All-IP Mobile Networks 全IP移动网络中基于信令预测优先级排队的动态资源预留排序
Then, a Multi service Transmission Protocol for HSPRN: Pipelining Transmission with Priority Queuing is presented. The performance of the protocol is discussed based on simulation. 接着提出了一种适于在该高速分组无线网中应用的多业务传输协议,即根据优先级决定传输顺序的单线传输协议,并在仿真的基础上对它的性能和参数选取进行了分析。
Secondly, priority queueing policy is analyzed and performance analysis is given, preemptive priority queuing model with traffic control is discussed based on this and performance analysis is given at the same time. 其次分析了优先排队策略,在此基础上讨论了带流量控制的强占优先排队模型,并给出了性能分析。
Then, a priority message queue is designed, and Weighted Fair Queuing ( WFQ) algorithm is used for messages queuing. 其次,设计了可靠的消息队列,并采用平均加权算法对消息进行排队,支持优先级机制。
Then because voice service need stricter real time, so a higher priority and queuing management are given to voice users. 随后考虑到话音业务对实时性的要求较高,因此为话音业务设置了较高的优先级,并对话音用户作了排队处理。
Based on data analysis, classification, processing, the proposed method uses different priority queuing strategy to meet the transmission needs, and optimize the service quality of the transmission system. 通过对各业务数据进行分析、归类、处理,并采用不同的优先级排队策略,来达到对不同业务的传输需求,从而优化了传输系统的服务质量。
When multiple instances landed on the same workplace to cause the resource access conflict, A-RBAC model gave different priority level authorization according to the character abilities of migrating instance, and then built the queuing mechanism. 当有多个迁移实例申请登陆同一工作位置并可能引发访问冲突时,A-RBAC模型将根据各迁移实例的能力,给予不同优先级别的角色指派,并根据优先级驱动迁移实例排队。